Day 1 - rocked around the clock

Well after my first 24 hours I finally feel like I can sit down to type this. I remember our first time leaving Cape Verde, it was a bit hectic and this time was no different.

I have winds between 000 and 120deg and wind speeds of 8kts to 32kts. I tried to keep up with sail changes but by mid-afternoon, I was too tired to deal with it and I just decided to set an angle and let the winds take me.

The first night I never sleep well and as always this trip was the same. So I’m already behind on sleep and while the sea state is moderate and the boat is rocking a bit, it’s generally comfortable.

I did put in a third reef before bed last night as the forecast had me expecting up to 30kts winds today but it’s not happened, so far.

My speed is not as high as I would like but I’m trying to conserve energy/frustration with exposure time in the cockpit and on deck.

If the winds have not picked up by nightfall I may take the reef out and we will ride again :wink:

Saturday also looking to bring some strong winds and north swell… but if I can make it through that Sunday into Monday I’ll feel like I’m through the worst of it.

Not much else going on… podcast, trying to rest, etc etc. Let’s just keep this trip uneventful :wink:

From the Polar Seal…



Day 2 - Crawling into tight spaces to carry out repairs


#110: sailing the world brought me closer to my family