Exploring Amsterdam

We only spent a couple of days in Holland. After a boring 36 hours of motoring along the Wadden islands, we hit port in the even less glamourous IJmuiden. We only stay a couple of days, enough time for us to fill the fuel and water tanks, have lunch with a former colleague of mine who lives in Holland, and edit this week's Youtube episode.The port of IJmuiden being located an hour away from Amsterdam by bus, we took the opportunity to go spend an evening in the Netherlands capital.I fell in love with Amsterdam, its canals, its atmosphere, and its history. If one day I have to move somewhere again, Amsterdam would be a place where I'd see myself living.Unfortunately, I hadn't packed a fully charged battery for my camera, and the amount of picture I could take was very limited. Rooky mistake! So instead of photographing and filming the excursion as I would normally do, I enjoyed the city for myself.Here are the only few pictures I took of the city! 


What works again seasickness?


Being affraid of the big ships in the Kiel Canal.