Landfall in Orkney, Scotland.

After an almost 4 days long crossing from Skagen in Denmark, we made landfall in Orkney this morning at 3AM, just in time to admire the sun rising over the islands with a glass of Scottish whiskey in our hands.

It was 2.30 AM when the sound of the engine woke me up. I understood within half a second that we were reaching land. I quickly threw my bibs and foul weather jacket on top of my PJs, and literally ran to the cockpit to make sure I wasn’t gonna miss one second of the show.

And one kind of a show it was. As the sun started to rise, big cliffs appeared on the horizon. We dropped the anchor in the moonlight, in the company of seals swimming around the boat and popping their heads out to say hi.

The sky turned pink as we toasted to a successful passage and savored the moment.

It is 8.30 at the time I am writing this, and everyone aboard Isbjörn is sleeping but me.

I couldn’t resist the temptation of publishing the pictures I took of one of the most magnificent sunrises I ever got to witness.

This afternoon, we will leave the anchorage and set sail towards Kirkwall in Orkney, which I can’t wait to visit.

I filmed quite a bit during our passage, and I am very excited to start editing those clips. I have a few stories to tell that I can’t wait to share!

In the meantime, I should probably do as everyone else and try to get a nap ;)

Cheers from Orkney!



Exploring Orkney, Scotland


Getting a taste of ocean sailing