Safe and sound in Cape Verde
Yesterday afternoon, Ryan made safe landfall in Cape Verde, where he was welcomed by our friends Laurent and Lynne from World Tour Adventures and Bryan Marsh, from Le Petit Bateau Bleu au Coeur Fringuant.
It is also when both Ryan and I took the measure of the impact that his experience assisting in the rescue of migrant rafts had on both of us.
When the tension comes down, the emotions come out and yesterday was not an easy day.
It reminded me of the first trip Ryan and I took together, back in 2015, in Israel. On the morning of September 13th 2015, Ryan and I were visiting Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and we immediately could tell that something was off.
That day we ended up finding ourselves in the middle of a riot between Israelis and Palestinians, and as if we were in the scene of a James Bond movie, we to escape Jerusalem by running through the bazaars, the roofs and the narrow streets of the old city.
While we remained calm and contained throughout our escape, emotions poured out of us once we were back in the safety of our hotel.

Thankfully, this was just a holiday, we returned to Sweden after a few days spent exploring this fascinating region of the world, but I never forget the experience.
This time, the stakes are a little higher, as we are contemplating an ocean crossing in lieu of our James Bond movie escape scene.
For now, we are resting and processing what just happened. Eventually, we will make a decision as to how we continue moving forward.
Maybe Ryan will continue solo (although that's a bit unlikely), maybe he'll bring some crew, maybe I go down to Cape Verde and join him, or maybe we even have Polar Seal delivered to our final destination (and given the emotional messes we currently are, this is not an unlikely option).
In the meantime, we wanted to extend a huge thank you to all of you who have kept us in their thoughts this last week, and a particular thank you to our Patrons, who, through our Whatsapp group, have been an incredible source of support as we were "navigating" this experience.
We'll let you know how we move forward when we know ourselves ;)