Day 3: It's a hard sea state

It is so strange, how just small variations in the sea can change motion dramatically in the boat. These changes can have big effects on sleep and this general mood.

Last night the seas were not bad but were rocking in a bit of a strange way. Thus I did not sleep the best. But the reality is, I have not slept the best at all on this trip.

I tend to sleep on the sofa in the boat with the lee cloth up which, other than holding me in place also holds the cushions. The table side of the boat does not have this… I'll try to get some video of me sitting there and sliding off….. it happened on day two and went so fast and I was flying across the boats wondering if I had broken my ankle upon landing.

I did not but I'm now very careful where I sit. Anyways… the point is I'm still not in a sleep rhythm. I normally get to bed around 9 and stay there until 7:30. Normal read or watch a movie… I'll wake a number of times to check the plotter or put my head outside for a quick look.

I did see my first tanker on AIS this morning but they clearly wanted nothing to do with me and keep about 10 MI distance (maybe they know I'm a bit pissed at the shipping industry for their actions in the migrant crisis, a story for another time)… so I did not visually see them.

Otherwise, I'm trying to think up stuff to keep me busy over the next 12 days. Please email thoughts, news, jokes, homework assignments. Is your kid studying explorers in school?

I can write a small but on what I'm doing ;) does you kid need someone to do their homework for them? I can't promise it will be done correctly but it will be done. No photos or visuals… only text emails.

Enjoy your Friday wherever you are.



Day 4: Entertainment gone


Day 2 - Crawling into tight spaces to carry out repairs