Day 4: Entertainment gone

Hi everyone,

First, thanks for the Spotify help… I have tried everything, I can even see the data is in there but nothing works. I'm guessing it’s a bug but that does not help me out here, oh well. I have a few other things to keep me busy.

Today, as expected from my weather router Charlie we have had winds in the low to mid-20s and some larger seas. We knew this was coming thus the reason I headed south first. The strategy was to stay out of the worst of it.

I have another solo sailor friend Bryan around the same longitude but 100 plus north of me and he said he has been getting 30 plus the last few days. So good call Charlie. Hopefully, the sea and wind settle tomorrow afternoon. I need to make a repair to the mainsail then I shake out a reef and hopefully start heading north, slow

I counted and tonight will be my 5th night out here. Approaching 1/3 the way very fast but I am looking forward to my halfway celebration.

This day-counting thing is all a mental game. With other physical hard trips I have done I always try to plan something at the end, like a party or some relaxing time then, when I'm frustrated at how long things are taking I just stop and think about the party coming… for now, that's the halfway party. But after halfway it's going to be the big celebration in Antigua. I might even put my drinking boots on and head for a proper party ;)

Some people might ask, what do you do all day… well. I normally lay in bed until the sun is properly up, then I start an hours-long process of downloading everything from emails, to weather to SMS from other boats. This process takes a very long time and normally I combine it with podcast… 0h wait.

I'll then head on the deck and have a look over everything. Make some lunch and sit and stare at the waves for a few hours. Make some lunch. Then around 4 I'll write this blog, record a short podcast, do some filming, run the engine for a bit to charge up the batteries before bed (I always wait until the end of the day to give the solar a chance.. today solar did 80% of the work.) Then a quick shower, dinner, and back in bed for some movie or TV time then try to sleep.

Tomorrow I'll explain how I have dealt with the sleep issues.

A big Thanks to everyone for sending encouraging emails and as always a big shout out to Sophie. You are amazing.


Day 5: Sleeping


Day 3: It's a hard sea state