IronMan training, Ukulele playing and... are we doing this?!

Our friends, family and colleagues have almost all checked our website (hello there! :D), and our project seems to surprise many of you. Ryan and I are getting asked all the time "So... are you really going to buy a boat?!!" Heck yeah we're doing it!! Unfortunately, I don't really have time to update this page. So here are a few answers to the question: what's up in our sailboat land? 

  • I'm training for IronMan. 

An IronMan is a long triathlon race: 3,8km swimming, 180km biking and 42,2km running. IronMan Nice, the race I signed up for, will take place on the 5th of June 2016 and will be my first IronMan.I have eight months left to the race and I'm focusing on getting used to IronMan lifestyle, managing the balance between work, boyfriend, friends, training, eating and sleeping... I'm currently about to tackle my second month of training. Right now I spend about 7 hours a week at the pool, on the bike or around the running track, and that's just the beginning: it's going to peak to 14-15 hours til February-March! From a video my coach took of me swimming. Technique is work in progress! (Talking about training, if you're in Stockholm's region and you train, want to train or prepare for a an endurance sport race like a marathon, swimming, biking, triathlon, swimrun, bike-run, etc... check out my coach, he's the best!Working, training, eating and sleeping doesn't leave me a lot of time to write here, but I'll do my best to post updates once in a while. And hopefully, Ryan will start video blogging too! Talking about him... 

  • Ryan bought a ukulele

Oh yes, that's happening. In a moment of romanticizing our sailboat project, Ryan pictured himself hanging on the deck at sunset, drinking cocktails and playing the ukulele. Because that's what you do right? Well, Ryan actually never played the ukulele. But see below, he's learning. A lot.[huge_it_video_player id="2"] Luckily for me, Ryan has plenty of time to practice before we get on the boat ;) 

  • We realize we're pretty lucky

The other day, we checked out again the boat we want to buy and had a chat with our favorite sales guy (the one we had met at the boat show in august). We discussed financing, risks, next steps, etc...It's a powerful feeling to stand on the deck, thinking that this boat could be ours someday, look at each other and feel so confident that this is what we want, run numbers in our heads and realize the project is viable. But if you're wondering... no, we haven't bought the boat yet;)We also realize that what we're doing is pretty crazy, considered that we met at the beginning of the year only, we don't know how to sail and to be quite honest, none of us was dreaming of sailing before we met.Most people in our age would start by moving in together, buy an apartment or a house, maybe get married, and wait a few years before choosing between buying a cabin or buying a boat (or at least, that's how we picture normal people do).We dare doing things a little different :)When we met, we knew almost right away we would go long ways together, even though the circumstances where a little odd (maybe I'll tell you the story one day ;). For the first time in our lives, we could relate to "when you know you've found the one, you just know". The two of us going for some crazy adventurous project was just a matter of time.How many times in your life are you going to meet, fall in love and be loved back by someone you share the same taste of challenge and adventure with? A person who's bold, driven, reliable and competent enough to make the dream come true? It does not happen everyday. The opportunity is unique, and the timing is just right. We realize how lucky we are to have found each other's and how awesome it is to go for it together.My mom told me the other day that putting two crazy people together is a dangerous thing... She's not totally wrong I guess :) 

  • We're (kind of) realizing what we're doing. 

Running numbers in our heads doesn't only make the dream real, it also makes the risk real. The other side of the medal is a serious reality check. What if we break-up once we've bought the sailboat and before we leave? How would we deal with this? How much would we loose? What if one of us loses his job or gets some serious health issue? What happens if one of us doesn't like sailing? Does the future of our relationship depends on the success of this project?Who knows, we might not even like sailing, we might not work together on the boat, or we might not work together at all. Even though it feels just right right now, we have to accept the fact that we have no clue what we're doing and a healthy thing to do in that case is to calculate the risks too.It's never fun to think about it when you're excited and everything feels right. But let me tell you that after a quick analysis of the worst case scenario, the price tag of the breakup ain't pretty!That said, have no fear, we feel way really lucky to have each other's and won't let anything come in the way :) Hiking together in Petra. One of the sanest thing we've done together.  To be continued!  


Setting sail in Gibraltar: D-7


Touring Israel & Jordan - ep.1: Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem