Blog entries Blog entries

IronMan training, Ukulele playing and... are we doing this?!

Our friends, family and colleagues have almost all checked our website (hello there! :D), and our project seems to surprise many of you. Ryan and I are getting asked all the time "So... are you really going to buy a boat?!!" Heck yeah we're doing it!!But I don't really have time to update this page. So here are a few answers to the question: what's up in our sailboat land?

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Blog entries Blog entries

Honey, let's buy a boat!

Ryan *Shaking my left arm as I lay in bed, sleeping* Babe? Babe… I know..!!!Me… Hmmmmm… what?Ryan We're getting A BIG RUBBER DUCK ON OUR SPINNAKER!!!Me *yawning* That's awesome honey… Let's do it…. What time is it…?Ryan 6am. It's only four hours left to the show, let's get up and be the first there!!!Me Yeah... right... *falling back asleep*One hour later:Ryan *shaking my left arm again and singing* Rubber ducky, you'RE THE OOOONNNE!!! You make bath time LOTS OF FUUUUUUUN!!!

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