How we are adjusting to living onboard

That was going to be the title of the video I was going to release today.

The conundrum is that we indeed are adjusting to our new lifestyle. Over the last days, I found myself having neither the time or the mental space to produce that film. In the midst of being tired from our recent 36 hours passage from Bornholm to Kiel, repairing a failing radar and an ever-leaky shower, tiredness and self-loathing took over.

Not being able to press the “upload” button felt like I was failing myself and the people who follow us.

I am most definitely not the first person to attempt maintaining a Youtube channel while adjusting to a new lifestyle, and hitting the very same obstacle:  Sometimes, the exact story you want to tell becomes the reason why you just cannot formulate it.

In our case: we are busy short-handing Polar Seal through the Baltic, canals and the North Sea, learning more about our boat every day, repairing what breaks, and most days, working out the disagreements and frustrations that arise on the way.

We love sailing. We love exploring places we didn’t even know exist and learning about their history and culture. I thoroughly enjoy doing grocery shopping in new countries and try myself at local recipes. We have fun finding ways of living our new life. From maintaining our fitness to doing laundry, sustain working relationships or meeting new friends, we are rethinking some of the most granted aspects of our former lives.

Change is overwhelming, but when it is chosen, is some of the most rewarding processes to go through.

My new office: whatever café with good wifi, local beers and quiet background music

I feel very passionate about sharing the highs and lows of our dream-come-true.  But when I hit a low, nothing good gets out of my brain, which is where I found myself last night. It is part of the process and taught me a valuable lesson.

As I was so kindly advised by a couple of followers, I will attempt to create a buffer of a few films, so I can seemingly keep the channel afloat while Ryan and I navigate the process of change.

The good news is, I do have all sorts of fun clips that will be shared very soon!

I am deeply grateful for all the support that the community has shown us ever since we started our journey. The comments and e-mails we have received from all of you, dear followers, have been overwhelmingly positive. They give me a lot of energy to keep doing what it is that I do, and I intend to keep it up!

Thank you!


Arriving in Kiel, in the rain! The cliffs of Putgarten, on our way to Kiel


Arriving in Kiel: a photo-roman


Rønne, Bornholm, Denmark